Who We Are

The Balasan Initiative for Human Rights is an independent, non-partisan Palestinian human rights initiative duly registered in Palestine, founded with the objective of promoting human rights across the occupied Palestinian territory, indiscriminately and as set forth under international law.  Through legal advocacy, research and policy planning, we seek to challenge the policies that allow the injustice to persist in the occupied Palestinian territory, while also shedding light on the effects of the current situation on the Palestinian Christian components.


Founded by young Palestinian Christians, the Balasan Initiative aims at creating and raising awareness on the narratives, hopes and experiences of Palestinian Christians, and the primordial objective of solidifying their presence in their homeland, Palestine, by directly addressing root causes of immigration and fragmentation.


*Balasan is the name in Arabic for a native tree that has existed in Palestine for thousands of years, which leaves were used to extract a healing balm to cure wounds and illnesses. The name is inspired by the vision that the respect for human rights and justice are a cure needed to end violations and suffering, and restore the humanity and dignity of all people.


The Balasan Intitiative strives for the indiscriminate protection, respect and fulfillment of the rights of the Palestinian people, as enshrined under international law, to live in dignity, justice and peace. 

The Balasan Initiative also endeavors for a solidified presence of Palestinian Christians in their homeland Palestine, as an inseparable, vibrant component of Palestine’s social fabric throughout history.


    • Promoting human rights in Palestine as set forth under international law through legal advocacy, research and policy planning in international fora.

    • Awareness- raising on the effects of the current situation on the Palestinian land and people with creative tools of communications and field-visit programs.

    • Capacity-building for young Palestinians on advocacy and policy-planning as tools of empowerment.

    • Shedding light on the narratives, hopes and experiences of young Palestinians, including Palestinian Christians, and the primordial objective of solidifying their presence in their homeland, Palestine, by directly addressing root causes of immigration and fragmentation.

Our Team

Dalia Qumsiyeh - Profile Picture

Adv. Dalia Qumsieh, LL.M

Dalia Qumsieh is a human rights lawyer, specializing in legal human rights advocacy (Palestinian bar, 2013), and the Founder and Director of the Balasan Initiative for Human Rights - Palestine. She is a graduate of Birzeit University School of Law (LL.B), Ramallah- Palestine (2009). She obtained her graduate degree in International Law (2009), and International Administration (2010), from the Law School of the University of Paris 1- Pantheon – Sorbonne, Paris, France. Prior to establishing BIHR, she worked in various Palestinian human rights organizations as senior legal advocacy consultant.
